2 posts
0 reputation

IGN: Ghost_Story
By Ghost_Story » over 8 years ago

I was playing on griefprev and he asked to teleport and I said yes, I wasnt aware that my home wasn't all the way claimed and he started to steal my stuff that wasn't claimed. I asked him to stop and he wouldn't. I would like him banned, please. His minecrsft name is Max_Does_PvP

56 posts
11 reputation

IGN: MidnightDuchess
By MidnightDuchess » over 8 years ago

Due to it being unclaimed and not detailed proof he will recieve a warning, not a ban, if he does it again to someone you know please let us know right away as it may warrent a ban. 


Warnings are always best.

56 posts
11 reputation

IGN: MidnightDuchess
By MidnightDuchess » over 8 years ago

He will give you what he took back, when you are able to get on let me him teleport to you to give it back. If he does not, let me know asap.

Warnings are always best.

2 posts
0 reputation

IGN: Ghost_Story
By Ghost_Story » over 8 years ago

Okay, thank you.