IGN: Samistine
@dockillar @bashcommando
IGN: dockillar
He or She did not explain or tell you the reason why I kicked him/her.
Said person began making responses using memes, which is why I kicked them under the explaintion "You're meme wasn't dank enough". Which, as most of us know, is an online expression to decribe memes.
It has nothing to do with teamspeak. Her question about teamspeak was quickly answered and resolved and has nothing to do with the person being kicked, which was a joke.
IGN: MidnightDuchess
My question is Who did Bash kick? Certain people ASK staff to kick them if chat is getting boring to get the excitement up. Entirely NOT abuse.
Warnings are always best.
IGN: bashcommando
Agreed with Midnight, I have also seen people like Bajan kicking himself. Plus the staff often kick each other, most of us are familiar with that.
End of line
IGN: MidnightDuchess
I think this was sorted out, Locking.
Warnings are always best.