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IGN: FluffyCorgi
By FluffyCorgi » over 8 years ago

Username of the guy is NoDefyingGinger

He has been on Theses's plot without us wanting him there, pretty much trolling. Even when he is denied.




hope this is enough. also caught some guy swearing in global.

6 posts
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IGN: FluffyCorgi
By FluffyCorgi » over 8 years ago

images dont work

15 posts
1 reputation

IGN: NoDefyingGinger
By NoDefyingGinger » over 8 years ago

First off, You globally invited everyone to your plot for a horse show (These's 1st plot)

You then denied me for no reason whatsoever, so I tped to my friend who was at the Horse Show

I started jokingly saying you had nice horses (Can be seen in the video)

You then were comicley trying to push a horse up stairs and he kept running back down that's why I said "Does the horse want to go up? No" I was saying this all for the fun of it and not to offend you or your friend in any way shape or for.

I and Theses used to joke around like this alot of the time back when he was Sparky, We were actually good friends you can see by the video at 0.12 that he was laughing when I started saying hello to the horses as I was quoting what I did a few months back when we played together, it was in inside joke.

I do apologise if you felt Bullied, but in todays' society everything is classed as bullying, I was just harmlessly joking around like everyone does and if you took offence from that I apologise.

You can see they were globally inviting people to the horseshow from the screenshots in the link below (I have them because they were spamming to come to it)


6 posts
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IGN: FluffyCorgi
By FluffyCorgi » over 8 years ago

he still is Sparky, and he said for you to go away. You completely ignored this, carried on saying about horses. Also, he says xD all the time just like me. I did not deny you for no reason, you keep coming to Theses's plot, so you were most likely gonna come to mine aswell. Your screenshot does not have enough proof of spamming. 

This is nothing to do with the past, as we both dislike you annoying us now.

Why exactly do you choose to annoy people, particularly us?

15 posts
1 reputation

IGN: NoDefyingGinger
By NoDefyingGinger » over 8 years ago

If you were not paying attention before this me and Theses made up I apologised and so did he, now all we can do is wait because the problem has been resolved


(Apology in link below)


6 posts
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IGN: FluffyCorgi
By FluffyCorgi » over 8 years ago

I saw that you apologised, you never did to me other than in this forum

6 posts
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IGN: FluffyCorgi
By FluffyCorgi » over 8 years ago

and you were at the plot at the time.... great. Also, I saw in both screenshots that there is SkillClient. What is that? Before you say hacking is allowed, I know that.

15 posts
1 reputation

IGN: NoDefyingGinger
By NoDefyingGinger » over 8 years ago

Skllclient is a client used by some staff as well as players, I use it to get heads as just like in the default inventory there is a section for heads where there is an infinite amount of heads Im using it currently for an adventure map Im working on along with pinewoods the city I manage, hacked items are provided in it but they cannot be taken out of the inventory or they are deleted so it's safe. and This thread is becoming very far off from what it was made for so we might as well leave it here, considering the problem has been resolved.

56 posts
11 reputation

IGN: MidnightDuchess
By MidnightDuchess » over 8 years ago

First of all. Hacked clients are allowed as long as they don't cause problems. (i.e. flying in survival/spamming/crashing people/autorelogging for more than 5 hours/autokilling people for no reason/etc)

Second of all, I was on during that and actually at the horse show. No one seemed to be upset.

and Thirdly, all reports can be sent via email to help@samistine.com expecially if you are unable to post images.


Warnings are always best.

6 posts
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IGN: FluffyCorgi
By FluffyCorgi » over 8 years ago

I do everything wrong crying