IGN: bashcommando
If you want to improve this post quickly refer to the poll here.
The Tier system is a new rank system for players and we have been waiting for this for a great while. When Tiers were announced it was exciting, now when tiers were introduced so were two new questions: "When are Tiers being introduced?" and "Why does this person have a different colored >?" People don't even notice the tiers as ranks. We need to make it so they are actually noticable. Maybe add a prefix or a suffix for the rank, just do something so the rank actually exists. We also need an automatic promotion system for the new ranks, you already proved that the Inquisitor API that you coded can do that easily. Now I know you want more people on the forums, so why not make that a requirement too? There are multiple improvements that can be made to the system and I would like to see that happen. I would like to see the server become popular again. Thank you for listening to us, the community. Now you know that greater requirements require greater rewards, more rewards mean that players are more interested in the rank and will do more to obtain it. This means more active members, more activity on the forums and eventually more players on the server.
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IGN: NoDefyingGinger
I agree fully, the tier system is meaningless it literally can't be called a rank it's just a colored ">". The tier system is also way to easy to get and 5 weeks should be a tier 2 or 3 as not many have it and that's how it should be, or we will have a server full of ranked people. It's also obvious the "rank me when I come online" process isn't going to work and it should be hooked up to the Inquisitor system or not even a quarter of the server will have the rank they should have and it will just become a player with a stupid colored arrow and no purpose.
IGN: IVoodooMagicI
See, builder didn't even HAVE A RANK yet it got its own little [Builder] signiture
|--/\--| Dem Pants
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IGN: bashcommando
Sparkour said:Why make the tiers harder to get exactly? I don't honestly care about the whole "Tier" system, but i'm curious as to why the tiers are so important, and why is make it harder to get.
Currently they are too easy to get and waiting for the applications to be accepted by Sam cause the appearance of difficulty. Tiers will promote users to be more active and helpful, like trusted used to be.
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IGN: SuperCasualGuy
I totally agree with this. The Tier ranks getting better will give everyone on the server something to reach for, something to set the goal as, and something as a sign of dedication to the server. The pre/suffix would make it a lot more noticeable and respectful, as I think we will deserve it. We earned it.
IGN: MidnightDuchess
Tier ranks were suppose to be a test rank to see if it was worth putting in a new ranking system, there is too much badmouthing it, I doubt we will be getting a ranking system after this because of all the hate for it, we should just scrap it and remove Tiers and the left over "trusted" rank, remove builders as well and if anyone wants a rank, they have to buy it. simple? yes.
Warnings are always best.
IGN: bashcommando
MidnightDuchess said:Tier ranks were suppose to be a test rank to see if it was worth putting in a new ranking system, there is too much badmouthing it, I doubt we will be getting a ranking system after this because of all the hate for it, we should just scrap it and remove Tiers and the left over "trusted" rank, remove builders as well and if anyone wants a rank, they have to buy it. simple? yes.
Mid you can't have the perfect system. People will always complain about something to see if they will get what they want. Why punish the entire server for something one person does? If you keep the system people will complain that something isn't working right or something to that effect. The answer is to fix it. If you remove the rank system entirely then people will start leaving the server and the people who do stay will complain more than when the rank system existed. Last I checked you signed up for the complaining when you became staff.
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IGN: TsjipTsjip
I dont completely agree with bash but I dont agree with Midnight either: I would like to see the new prefixes/suffixes but making the ranks harder to get will make new people think they have to play very long for the ranks and will discourage them to keep playing. But removing the Tier system again NO, just NO. Id like to see new prefixes/suffixes for the ranks (also the auto-promotion system) but thats it. This is my advice.
IGN: NoDefyingYusif
The tiered system makes people who deserve some sort of recognition for sticking to the server for 120 hours, which I think should be changed to have at least 4 months since you joined and atleast 2 weeks of playtime. But all it does is give you a >. Barely noticeable, barely admirable. Just bring back T-1 T-2 T-3 just it stands for tiered. And then Veteran. Tier 1 would be 2 weeks of playtime 4 months since you joined, Tier 2 would be 6 months since you joined, and 4 weeks of playtime. T-3 Is 6 weeks of playtime, 8 months since you joined. Veteran would be a year since you joined or more and 8 weeks or more of playtime. To me, this would be gold.
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